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Out & About

Do you want to go somewhere different and see something new?   
Trips are organised near and far, usually by coach, with introductory talks and/or guided tours arranged to make the most of each visit.   Details are sent out by email 4-6 weeks prior to the date.   Places are reserved in advance by cheque payable to Bridgnorth u3a Activities A/c.  Numbers may be restricted by the venues in which case a waiting list is kept. 

Group Leaders:     Tricia Bennett & Jenny Green
Day/Time:     Final and full Details emailed to u3a members 4-6 weeks before date of trip
Venues:     Varies - see Programme
Details:     Booking by cheque lodged with Group Leaders in advance
Cost:     Entrance charges plus travel


Date Venue Detail Booking  
Tues 30th April Canal Cruise from Norbury Junction 3.5 hour Canal Cruise on The Shropshire Star with panoramic views including Fish and Chips lunch
(Coach Travel)
see above  
Thurs 6th June Acton Scott Hall Guided tour of this privately owned Grade 2 listed Elizabethan mansion near Church Stretton.  Built for the Acton family which has recently passed to the next generation of Actons.   Half day visit   
(Shared car transport)
 see above
Thurs 4th July Stratford Butterfly Farm Come rain or shine ... enjoy the unique pleasure of discovering hundreds of the the worlds most beautiful butterflies!   Free time in Stratford for sightseeing or retail therapy.
(Coach Travel)
Wed 16th Oct King Richard III
Visitor Centre, Leicester Cathedral
Following last year's u3a presentation on the Princes in the Tower ... it is time to find out more about Richard III.  The Centre has just re-opened.   
(Coach Travel)